
chrome socks5 proxy from cmd


To configure chrome to proxy traffic through the SOCKS v5 proxy server myproxy:8080, launch chrome with these two command-line flags:


--host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE myproxy"


The --proxy-server="socks5://myproxy:8080" flag tells Chrome to send all http:// and https:// URL requests through the SOCKS proxy server "myproxy:8080", using version 5 of the SOCKS protocol. The hostname for these URLs will be resolved by the proxy server, and not locally by Chrome.

NOTE: proxying of ftp:// URLs through a SOCKS proxy is not yet implemented.

The --proxy-server flag applies to URL loads only. There are other components of Chrome which may issue DNS resolves directly and hence bypass this proxy server. The most notable such component is the "DNS prefetcher".Hence if DNS prefetching is not disabled in Chrome then you will still see local DNS requests being issued by Chrome despite having specified a SOCKS v5 proxy server.

Disabling DNS prefetching would solve this problem, however it is a fragile solution since once needs to be aware of all the areas in Chrome which issue raw DNS requests. To address this, the next flag, --host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE myproxy", is a catch-all to prevent Chrome from sending any DNS requests over the network. It says that all DNS resolves are to be simply mapped to the (invalid) address The "EXCLUDE" clause make an exception for "myproxy", because otherwise Chrome would be unable to resolve the address of the SOCKS proxy server itself, and all requests would necessarily fail with PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED.
