CRS not recognized when saving vector to SQlite or Spatialite
In pure SQLite output,
ogr2ogr out.db poly.shp -a_srs EPSG:25831
ogrinfo on out.db reports a SRS that is EPSG:25831
In Spatialite output,
ogr2ogr out.db poly.shp -a_srs EPSG:25831 -dsco
ogrinfo on out.db reports a SRS that is a bound CRS of EPSG:25831.
The reason is that the spatial_ref_sys table is initalized by Spatialite itself,
and it contains a WKT1 definition with a TOWGS84[] clause,
thus interpreated on reading as a BoundCRS.
Yet another issue with the transition between the old and the new world.
Not sure if a software change is needed there
(apart that an hypothetical future release of spatialite removes TOWGS84[] from its CRS definitions)