
bash 快捷键


Controlling the Screen

The following shortcuts allow you to control what appears on the screen.
  • Ctrl+L: Clear the screen. This is similar to running the “clear” command.
  • Ctrl+S: Stop all output to the screen. This is particularly useful when running commands with a lot of long, verbose output, but you don’t want to stop the command itself with Ctrl+C.
  • Ctrl+Q: Resume output to the screen after stopping it with Ctrl+S.

Moving the Cursor

Use the following shortcuts to quickly move the cursor around the current line while typing a command.
  • Ctrl+A or Home: Go to the beginning of the line.
  • Ctrl+E or End: Go to the end of the line.
  • Alt+B: Go left (back) one word.
  • Ctrl+B: Go left (back) one character.
  • Alt+F: Go right (forward) one word.
  • Ctrl+F: Go right (forward) one character.
  • Ctrl+XX: Move between the beginning of the line and the current position of the cursor. This allows you to press Ctrl+XX to return to the start of the line, change something, and then press Ctrl+XX to go back to your original cursor position. To use this shortcut, hold the Ctrl key and tap the X key twice.

Deleting Text

Use the following shortcuts to quickly delete characters:
  • Ctrl+D or Delete: Delete the character under the cursor.
  • Alt+D: Delete all characters after the cursor on the current line.
  • Ctrl+H or Backspace: Delete the character before the cursor.

Fixing Typos

These shortcuts allow you to fix typos and undo your key presses.
  • Alt+T: Swap the current word with the previous word.
  • Ctrl+T: Swap the last two characters before the cursor with each other. You can use this to quickly fix typos when you type two characters in the wrong order.
  • Ctrl+_: Undo your last key press. You can repeat this to undo multiple times.

Cutting and Pasting

Bash includes some basic cut-and-paste features.
  • Ctrl+W: Cut the word before the cursor, adding it to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl+K: Cut the part of the line after the cursor, adding it to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl+U: Cut the part of the line before the cursor, adding it to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl+Y: Paste the last thing you cut from the clipboard. The y here stands for “yank”.
